2022 Source of Hire Report

Tighter market, tighter strategy

Unlock the Power of Data to Hire Smarter in 2022

Make every hiring decision count with insights from over 7 million job applications.

Your hiring success starts with data. With the latest Source of Hire (SOH) report, you'll gain access to a treasure trove of information on the best sources of hire available right now, as well as the hiring trends that matter most in 2022. From employee referral programs to using multiple sources of hire that match open positions with the right job seekers, this report offers actionable strategies to optimize your recruiting efforts and find the best candidates for your team.

Our team of experts has analyzed over 7 million job applications from over a dozen recruitment sources to bring you the most comprehensive and up-to-date data available on the top source of hire. With this report, you'll learn how hiring managers can:

  • Identify and track the most efficient sources of hire for your company
  • Streamline your job posting and hiring process to save time and money
  • Attract and retain top talent with an effective  recruitment strategy

Don't let another year go by without taking advantage of the latest hiring insights. Download the 2022 Source of Hire report today and start hiring smarter.

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